Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Nigeria's Ramsey Nouah and Ghana's Majid Michel 
Lately Ghanian 'fine boy' Actors - Van Vicker and Majid Michel have been dominating Naija screens courtesy of Nollywood movies...These guys are seriously good-looking and with the number of fans they've gained in Nigeria already, I can't help thinking they're stealing the shine from Naija blokes or are they??!! Nigeria's Ramsey Nouah is now facing steep competition from 'yellow-alike' Van and Majid... and as much as I love Jim Iyke, he can't rep Nigeria  here..we're talking 'yellow paw paw fine boy sturvs...' LOL! So I've had to look outside 'Nollywood' to rep Nigeria...So ladies and gentlemen, kindly judge right ..which tag team is the finest/most handsome..Team Ghana: Van Vicker and Majid Michel or Team Nigeria: Ramsey Nouah and Ifedayo Olarinde AKA Freeze of Cool FM (standing in for Jim Iyke/Desmond Elliot/Emeka Ike and other Nollywood boys )...
Meanwhile, is it my eyes or do they all look alike???

TEAM GHANA - Van Vicker

TEAM GHANA - Majid Michel


TEAM NIGERIA: Ramsey Noah 
TEAM NIGERIA: DJ Freeze, Ifedayo Olarinde of Cool FM
OMG!!! I just found a pic of them  together in my picture loft..LOL!

So whats it going to be? Nigeria or Ghana?? Who is your choice for the overall finest dude?



  1. Team Ghana is my preference. My choice overall for finest dude is Majid Michel.

  2. Habaaaaaa!!!!! DJ who!? Abeg make im go park somewhere. My dad's youngetr than that guy and trust me, das something. The Ghanian team is definitely hotter but their acting sucks. OK. Michel's doesn't suck that much actually. But u r right, they are definitely dominating our market which is not good for our talent but hey! Das Nigerians for u, they never see the bigger picture.

    Another thing I've noticed is that Ghanians are careful about who they pick while Naija ppl go just put any Tom DIck and Harry- preferably oe they have slept with. So you see, Ghana definitely has better looking actors/actresses as a whole.

  3. listen SD i have alot of respect for you - stop starting such kindargarten highschool threads. Its not like you. This must be the most foolish thread i have read. Comparing for what. To each his own. There will be no Ghana Nigeria comparison anymore - i am sick of those continuous comparison. Everybody is different. so let it be. Sheeesh!

  4. i know your kind SD - when you think of handsomeness - you see light skinned people. Whao I am shocked. SImply pitiful

  5. I would've given Ramsey and overall 10/10 but a couple points removed because of the fake bri-merican accent that REALLY irks the hell out of me. Majid I like too. Chai!

    Ok Ramsey & co. it is! Team Naija!

  6. @Suuisaidl - I get that u're not feeling him then..LOL!

    @ AM - Chill out joor..life is all about choices..it's play time!!!

    @ Charlie - you've got it all wrong..I was only trying to compare apples with apples..light skinned Ghanian Dudes vs Light Skinned Naij Dudes..nothing to do with my personal preference.. but that said my hubby is a bit light skinned sha..so bite me..LOL! Chill out dude..just having fun lets not take ourselves too seriously...Word!

  7. Well as a non nigerian I like Nigerian men cos they are simply and as a petite woman i like tall me.


    am afraid i have to go with the Ghanaians men - cos nothing attracts me more than their beautiful articulate english accent (the educated ones of course ) - I just love to hear people like Majid, John Dumelo and Van Speak. the most educated nigerian man cant speak so eloquently unless they fake the accent. I would appreciate them more if they were themselves and spoke their own accent and not be ashamed of it, but unfortunately ones i have come across show they are ashamed of it.

    I simplylove Ghanaian accents and it makes the men attractive to me. I think Ghanaians have the best english accents in africa.

  8. I respect you for this Mugis,Ghanaians have the best english accents in Africa. Thats really the truth.


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