Sunday, June 12, 2011


Jade Aladewolu returned to Nigeria from the UK 2 years ago.
She works with an engineering firm
Vintage style is certainly the hottest new trend in Lagos from cosmopolitan street to Trad..Lagos is loving all things vintage...I particularly love Jade Aladewolu's 'Portobello Vintage' fashion interpretation. It's completely individual and very far from the usual Lagos unspoken code of uniformity..I noticed how people stared at her as she walked in. I just dashed for my camera wishing I could see more Lagos chix daring to step out in style like this fabulous London returnee doing her fashion on her own terms..I love..! You go girl!

When Portobello Vintage came to Lagos...
Even accessories are going vintage ...checkout the multilayered 'rustique' necklace
and huge ring...that would be perfect for self-defence!!!LOL!

I bet your Mum too used to have that's still instyle!
When it comes to fashion, WOW Magazine Fashion and Style Editor, Ezinne
Chinkata, knows her beans. Here she wears a fabulous colourful studded
jacket reminiscent of the 50's and 60's when brightly coloured clothes
became fashionable...
These cork-platform shoes are so 'vintage-fab' but
they look like something
from an 'Austin Powers Movie'..
Yeah baby...!!!
Meanwhile, on the trad front, it's time to raid your mama and grandmas wardrobe for their long forgotten Swiss/Austrian lace Iro and Buba as just like the return of damask in 2001, vintage laces are set to be the next big thing in trad fashion. There is just something about them that really looks elegant, no sequins, no stones, no fuss just great design. The lady pictured here says hers was picked from her Mother-in-law's closet and she certainly looked absolutely divine wearing it...I love, love, love it!
So,what are you waiting for? call Mama and arrange a closet inspection right away - trust me it's the new 'ish'....!

Vintage lace is just so simple and chic!
Have a fabulous week ahead...

Lots of hugs,



  1. "Jade Aladewolu returned to Nigeria from the UK 2 years ago. She works with an engineering firm" Like seriously? SMH!!!

  2. LOL Anon 11:49...Yes seriously...Heee hee! that's a note to myself to remind me why I can't steal her to work for Seriously Doughnuts..but guess what i think we managed to convince her to join the SD Team as a fashion contributor..Ohhh and one more irrelevant gist..She is a Harvard Grad...LOL..Relax o ...we're just having fun...

  3. I don't know about raiding grandma's closet, but maybe I should raid my mum's closet:-)

    This is a testament to the fact that fashion is cyclical. Loving the vintage look (I wish there were more pictures though...)

  4. @The Relentless Builder..LOL! so true..thank you for adding SD to your blog roll. I've added a few more pictures just for you...*wink! wink!


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