Saturday, June 17, 2017

Nigerian Praise: He (God) Has Turned It Around by @BolaSings

I once heard a wise man say that " You haven't Praised Until You Praise Like A Nigerian". ... and so I set out to Praise like the full blooded Nigerian I am and released this song on the 29th of March 2017..

My Nigerian Gospel Praise - He Has Turned it Around  is a medley of English, Pidgin English and Yoruba with sounds of authentic street melody featuring legendary African Talking drums and performed in Classic Nigerian Praise Worship Style, giving the highest praise to our Awesome God

I decided to follow the call to worship through word of prophecy received and a personal encounter with God - This meant a complete change in direction from my musical comfort zone - Singing the Blues.. Yet the faithfulness of God overflowed as God inspired me to write over 10 songs in one day and confirming His words over me...

I'm humbled to have been chosen by God to serve even as I am reminded that 
"God Does Not Necessarily Call the Qualified BUT He certainly qualifies the chosen"
He certainly equips me daily to serve him and I delight in this call. This song tells my story - One which I pray one day to share in context but until then please magnify the Lord with me Nigerian Style :)

Written and Performed by Yours Truly @Bolasings
Produced by Seun Oke

Follow me on Instagram: @bolasings

Friday, June 16, 2017

Fine Dining Friday: KETO Chilli Pepper Okro Soup by Yours Truly.. @bolasings

According to my diary, its Fine Dining Friday and as I am super fussy about everything I eat these days and I am aware that I have become an unapologetic food snub of some sort. 
I count my calories, I know my fats, I banish the carbs ( much as possible) and I'm keen on my grass-fed meats but all for a good cause and one plan - I want to live FOREVER! LOL!

But seriously though, I am so keen on feeding my body with only good stuff! 
Nutritious meals that do my body a whole lot of good. Surely that can only be described as 'Fine Dining' right..?

So I spent the day cooking up a designer style 'Green Chilli Pepper Soup'  A true original that throws in a bit of spicy spunk into the good old Okra soup recipe. Best of all it's SIMPLE, CLEAN & DELICIOUS.

Catch the Video here and cook up your own 'Fine Dinner' storm.

Enjoy your weekend people!
PS: Thank me later :)

Lots of love,
The Skinny Cook - @Bolasings
Weight Loss Coach, Singer, Songwriter & Gospel Evangelist
Follow me on Instagram: @bolasings
Join my healthy eating revolution at:

Thursday, June 15, 2017

FAT CAKE Vs SKiNNY CAKE ...The Story of My Life ...


Hey Peeps .. 
It's Vintage Tea Party Thursday and I can't think of anything else but a cup of Tea and Glorious CAKES ....Yes, Guilt-Free Diet Cakes...As this is now for me is  the story of my life...
Let me explain...losing weight from a UK Size 16 to a UK Size 8 has been the most EPIC and still most exciting episode of my life... its one I still relish and one that has liberated me so much I'm spending my life now sharing the 'Gospel of Skinny Living'...

The amazing thing is that I was never one to be concerned about my weight..I loved my life and enjoyed taking pictures of myself even at my biggest at Size 18 but after a health issue that meant a serious surgery or a lifestyle change...I chose Life..on the Skinny Lane...but then I found a level of vanity that I never knew was on the inside of me...LOL ..I think I must have gone a bit bonkers ...with my photographer taking tons of pictures of me loving my new size, shape and just the cheer gorgeousness of NOT being so tired everyday...I was Skinny and energetic...This was a big Shock to my system..a Big Nice Shock..that is...

But I think the biggest shocker came to me from my Hubby... He just couldn't hide his preference for the newer more confident, more vibrant and every inch more gorgeous me... One day he said in an innocent joke that he had been married twice to the same person - "His Former Wife (The Bigger Me) and His New Wife (The Skinny Me)" and he certainly  preferred his 'New Wife'...Cheeky! Cheeky! But hey, I don't blame him if I were him I'd love the new me too :) ...

My Life has completely changed..I've always loved dressing up but now even more so... I've found a more fabulous version of myself and I'm loving the woman I have become..! It feels like I have been let out of a cage ...LOL! so I'm sharing my weight loss success on my FREE  KetoToGo weight loss community on Facebook

From Eating healthy to slaying fat and my never ending love for the look of gorgeous cupcakes... although now I keep my cakes nice and clean..truth is cakes are NOT the problem ..its what is inside the cakes that makes all the difference and I have the scoop on it..and YOU should too so Come checkout some fabulous cake recipes by fabulous chef and fat slayers members on

Because if you see me skipping all around ...its the 'SKiNNY Cake' effect... Meanwhile...I'm loving being the Hubby's Skinny Cake ...*wink! 

Glorious  Diet Cakes!!! ... The Skinny Cook Follow @BolaSings 
One  Lil Secret ??? Shhhh! I use  Courtley's Zero Calories Sugar Substitute  - 100% Erythritol 

Of Course there is such a thing as a 'Diet Cake' ... 

Any one else on a weight loss journey? Can I help ?
 Grab a Courtleys 100% Erythritol Sugar Substiture at :
Why not Join my FREE weight loss community at :

Lets chat a little ...:)

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Catching Up...and Musing Forward...It's @Bolasings * Wink!

Hello People, So I officially started blogging at ( way back in 2011 when I first moved to Lagos, Nigeria...( It was a short stint..I've been back in London for ove 3 years now..:))
Back then Seriously Doughnuts was a Fashion blog 'where  I covered fashion, style and the good old Lagos Life..But as there is NOT much of Lagos life here in London..I've gone in search of adventures anew...hence my hiatus

I know its been ages, YES... but while I have been off the blog to I've had a great opportunity to re-group, re-think and re-organise myself so I can't exactly say I have been MIA..I have just been a little away.. I hope you missed me ...'Cos I sure did miss you guys! #ForReal

But as so much has happened and I can't wait to tell you all about it..
So where do I start? Let's just say Music, Vintage Fashion, Weight Loss ..Happened...Big Time!
On the Music front, I have released since 3 Singles...2 Vintage Inspired and 1 Gospel..:), Will upload the Videos..*wink!

On the Fashion front I slayed my handbag design course and then for good measure got trained in Eyewear design too  but on the personal style front I'm at the full blown 'Vintage Aficionado', Retro woman stage ..I'm so neck deep I find it hard to imagine myself dressed in anything else but Retro Vintage Style...Thanks to the reader here on Seriously doughnuts many years ago whose malicious comment to me that I was 'UGLY LIKE SOMETHING FROM THE 50's' helped me connect with my vintage fixation - Talk about Turning a situation around in your favour! she meant it to cut me down but it instead it built me up thank you..Miss Anonymous :) #NoHardFeelings

On the Weight Loss front, is certainly where the most EPIC thing that happened to me  - managed I get Super SKINNY!  Yes...I used to be a size 16/18 and I am now a 'happy go lucky' UK size 8 and I'm totally loving it..these days I share my time with a group of ladies and bold gentle men who want to lose weight as well on
So if you are thinking of losing weight why not join us..its FREE

There is so much more to share so you'll have to stick with me.. :) Life has been a lot of fun..the only sticky bit is when I'm asked what I do for a living ..heee!hee! but It's NOT complicated at all...LOL!
How about Designer, Singer, Songwriter, Weightloss Coach, Vintage Aficionado, God Chaser esq?
Life is too short to be just one thing I say... :)

So here is a shot at sharing my adventures and things that make me go mmmmh !
I'll be picking up from where I left write again here on Seriously Doughnuts.. and share via

Phew! So now that we've got that out of the way, lets do this blog and vlog thing again ...shall we?
I'll be your host @bolasings .. Do Follow on Insta *Wink! *Wink!
Welcome to my brand new Life... my adventures and my musing!

Lots of love,

PS: I have a lot of Updating/House cleaning to do on SD so please bear with me...while I do a bit of house keeping.. *see you soon!

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