Regardless of our struggles, we are a nation of survivors, we refuse to die and we refuse to be broken indeed I believe that the only way for Nigeria now is up: I believe that one day, one day it go better! Nigeria may be down but Nigeria is NOT out so today as Nigeria turns 51 it is well in order to celebrate being survivors and innovators. Renew your faith in Nigeria and make a choice to be part of the change Nigeria needs. Nigeria will rise when you and I rise...we must rise up from our slumber and be the 'hand of change to heal Nigeria...'
Please watch the videos below, the first is the Nigerian Anthem with lyrics...Just what we all need for a bit of patriotic ginger....!!!
ARISE OH COMPATRIOTS! Nigeria's call obey...
And if you want to shake things up a little bit...
Whatever you do today, add a touch of green to celebrate Nigeria....!!
Happy independence day people...NIGERIA GO SURVIVE!
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